Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Leading Change in Canada: Federation of Canadian Municipalities Showcases BC's Water Sustainability Action Plan

STEAL THIS IDEA! - Session at FCM Sustainable Communities Conference features 'municipal sustainability innovators' from across Canada 
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. At the recent 2011 Sustainable Communities Conference, organized by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), innovators from across Canada shared their breakthrough examples of municipal sustainability in an interactive session titled Steal This Idea!

The session was moderated by Emanuel Machado. He is Manager of Sustainability Services and Special Projects with the District of Sechelt, BC. Previously, he was with the City of Dawson Creek.

"Water in BC is under-valued, under-priced and over-used. The Water Bucket website is having a tremendous impact in helping communities in BC address that challenge by providing awareness, tools and resources that build capacity," he stated.

“Local governments are transitioning from simply pumping and treating water to managing earth’s most precious resource. An example of that transition can be seen in Dawson Creek (in Northeast British Columbia), a city at the forefront of the pressure being felt by communities across Canada due to climate change impacts and increased residential and industrial demands on aging water systems. The December 2006 workshop that introduced the City to BC’s Water Sustainability Action Plan was a catalyst for that change.”

To learn more about the Water Sustainability Action Plan for British Columbia, click on Mission Possible: A 50-Year Vision for Urban Watershed Restoration.

News Release #2011-07
February 22, 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Leading Change in British Columbia: Paradigm-Shift to Rainwater Management Starts in the Classroom

Rainwater Management: Richard Boase and David Desrochers inspire future engineers to view the built environment differently

The British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) recently joined 26 other programs across Canada in offering nationally accredited civil engineering degrees. Consistent with a guiding philosophy of leadership and innovation to achieve the goal, the Department of Civil Engineering is tapping into the wisdom and experience of local government leaders.

"I have been keeping track of what is happening in the Metro Vancouver region. The District of North Vancouver’s Richard Boase and his colleagues in the Water Balance Model Partnership, in particular the City of Vancouver's David Desrochers, are using science blended with innovative thinking and effective communications to affect a change over time with our emerging professionals," observes Dr. Colleen Chan, BCIT School of Construction and the Environment.

“Both Richard Boase and David Desrochers are a wonderful source of inspiration. Their insights about ‘designing with nature’ gave us an idea: develop a Rainwater Management Plan for the BCIT Burnaby Campus as a class project. This is now part of my course curriculum.”

News Release #2011-06
February 15, 2011

Monday, February 7, 2011

Leading Change in the USA: Rainwater-in-Context Initiative

 Mirrors 'Design with Nature' Objectives of BC's Water Sustainability Action Plan

“A key goal of the Rainwater-in-Context Initiative is to help get the United States on the correct path for sustainable rainwater/stormwater management practices,” states Colorado-based Paul Crabtree, a driving force behind the Initiative.

“Rainwater-in-Context unites New Urbanism, rainwater/stormwater and watershed management, Smart Growth, water reuse, low impact, light imprint, and other sustainable practices toward a holistic approach to rainwater that utilizes the rural-to-urban transect and Charter for the New Urbanism.”

“In placing the emphasis on the watershed and the stream, the Rainwater-in-Context Initiative mirrors the ‘design with nature’ approach that we are advancing in British Columbia. By designing with nature, as it were, communities lessen and sometimes avoid the expense of engineering and building various kinds of infrastructure,” observes Tim Pringle, President of the Partnership for Water Sustainability in British Columbia.

To learn more, click on Cross-Border Alignment: Connecting the Dots Between Land Use Planning, Development, Watershed Health AND Infrastructure Management. This article consolidates links to a number of articles recently posted on the Water Bucket.

News Release #2011-05
February 8, 2011