Light Imprint is a design methodology that combines ecologically sensitive rainwater management techniques with community design principles. The Light Imprint tool set is used at the regional, neighbourhood, and block scale.
"The basic premise is to recover and maintain the pre-development natural hydrology of the site when land is developed or redeveloped,” states Thomas Low, author of the Light Imprint Handbook and a partner in the firm of Miami-based Duany Plater-Zyberk & Company, Architects and Town Planners.
“Established in 2006, the Light Imprint methodology has become a recognized rainwater mitigation practice. Recent advancements showing great promise for the Light Imprint methodology include design and development approaches with increased cost savings and compelling engineering metrics."
"Light Imprint green infrastructure is compatible with urban design that emphasizes compact, mixed-use, pedestrian-oriented design, and environmental efficiency. It is designed to reduce community infrastructure costs.".
To learn more about the Light Imprint Handbook, click here to read a story posted on the Water Bucket website.
News Release #2011-25
May 31, 2011